October 19, 2019
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Is it scroll through social media, brush your teeth, start the coffee pot, or pick up something to eat? What if you decided to start with water every morning? Set your intention for the day by committing to hydrate. Place a cup of water by your bed for easy to access, or simply put an empty cup in your line of vision that will remind you to fill it up and take a drink. It is simple, but powerful.
Make water part of your breaks during the workday. We all know how easy it is to look at the clock and realize you have been sitting at the computer for 4 hours without getting up or hydrating. Set a timer, grab your water bottle, and go fill it up. This will keep you accountable to not only drink the water in your water bottle, but to go and refill it. Bonus is you get to incorporate movement that your body needs.
This is often an overlooked component to staying hydrated but plays a huge role. Invest in a water bottle that you actually enjoy drinking from, whether it is through a straw, open mouth, heavy, or compact bottle. If drinking from your water bottle is too much work, or not convenient, you might neglect your water intake. There are water bottles that have the number of ounces on the side so you can keep track of how much you are drinking.
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